April 12, 2022 | High River

How to Prepare a Prefab Home for Spring

Spring maintenance is a very important task. If you ignore it, your modular home's equity could drop, and certain spaces in the home will be less comfortable year-round. When it comes to spring maintenance, there is no essential formula for success. However, you should always begin with the easiest tasks first as this will help you save time. Here are seven items for your spring maintenance checklist.

The Siding

Siding naturally attracts dirt and debris, so you'll need to clean it quite often with warm soapy water in early spring. The soap suds will remove dust, dirt, mold, mildew, and more.  

The Roof

A roof inspection is a high-priority spring maintenance task. To be thorough, you should perform it at least twice a year. While you're on a ladder, carefully remove any leaves and branches on the roof that are within your reach. Then, check the foundation of the roof. If it has any soft spots or cracks, call a roofing company, and make an appointment for roof maintenance or repairs.

The Skirting

If your ready-to-move home has a skirting or an enclosure, check it for cracks and gaps. The skirting needs to be in solid shape. If it has any openings, they will serve as entry points for rodents like rats.  

Next, inspect the skirting's ventilation. If airflow is restricted underneath your home, moisture will build up. Moisture from below may not seem like a big deal, but it can weaken your floors if there is no ventilation to counteract it.  

Air Conditioning

AC maintenance is a continuous job that will require your attention throughout spring. You'll need to focus on the ventilation system and the air filter. If the pollen count in your neighborhood is high, check your filter regularly, and change it whenever the mesh is nearly clogged. A clean filtration system equals a healthy modular home, and it's your best defense for asthma and allergies.


If your home is fairly old, check the foundation of imbalances that could disrupt its structural integrity. This task is even more important if you just recently moved your home to a new location.


The caulking around the windows will only require your attention if the temperature constantly fluctuates in your community. Extreme temperature changes will make the caulk shrink or crack. You'll need to apply fresh caulk when the current caulk is warped or cracked.  

Indoor Cleaning 

When it's time for indoor cleaning, focus on odd surfaces that you typically ignore throughout the year like walls and ceilings. If you have fiberglass fixtures in your ready-to-move home, clean these surfaces with a traditional cleanser. Abrasive cleansers are effective, but if you overuse them, they could tarnish your fixtures.  

Nelson Homes is a reputable company that sells modular homes!

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